What’s up nonbelievers, doubters, and skeptics?
What a damn week it’s been. I got this lovely message from Instagram:
Ugh. The crazy thing is that the straw that broke the camel’s back was me sharing a hate comment from a Christian to my story.
A bit ironic, huh?
I hate that these social media platforms cannot tell the difference between hate and calling out hate… or at least that’s how it seems.
Anyway, since Instagram is cutting me off, I’ve decided to start putting content on Patreon again.
For $5/month, you get:
Bonus content every month (via a private podcast feed)
The worst Christian comment of the week
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I have a lot of cool ideas for exclusive content that I’ll be uploading there.
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Now, onto the comments!
Well, everything about this is fucking weird. Let’s check the profile…
Yeah, still weird. Relationship master? I wonder how many skeletons this dude has.
The lord laughs at the whicked.
You’re saying it weird. Why are you putting so much emphasis on the H?
Hey, put more fallacies in a single comment!
I am called many names. I am told many things. But I think the most annoying thing that Christians do is tell nonbelievers that they really do believe in god.
This one makes my brain hurt. I don’t even know where to start.
I’m not doing this for fame. If I wanted to be famous, I’d take the Sean Feucht/Carl Lentz path in life.
Or… hear me out… god was never in schools to begin with.
What a weak god that the libs can just give him the boot!
Show people the love of Jesus? ❌
Express desire for nonbelievers to burn? ✅
But isn’t theology just the study of what people say about god and religion?
I think it’s really funny how confident theists are in their beliefs in absurd things.
When they learn more, they’ll come back one day wondering wtf they were doing lol
Hey, Anthony. I’m guessing the mother of your kids isn’t in that pic because she left you, eh?
Mean? Maybe. Truthful? Likely.
I’m sure Kpratt scoffs at other religions. I’m glad he just so happened to pick the right god!!
I don’t necessarily agree with the first part, but damn things took a turn lol
I’m 100% mentally unstable, and he can tell that just by looking at my eyes??
I never claim to be smart nor try to make myself seem intellectually superior. I think brickwall’s insecurity is showing.
Astute observation, pbearrr19. Correct, I do not believe in god, but that doesn’t mean that billions of other people don’t.
I’m talking about the hypothetical inaction of that god. How is that so hard to grasp?
Instead of constantly worrying about what attacks Satan is coming with, what demons are trying to ruin your life, or what god is or isn’t doing, doesn’t it make sense that maybe none of that is happening at all?
Stray sheep dingus. That’s a new one!
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Dog Bless You!
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God damn, they're so fucking weird! Like why tf are they so angry with anyone who doesn't believe????