I’ve been monitoring the Facebook profile of a preacher from my hometown.
I’ve never met him in person, but he was a pastor at my sister’s friend’s church, so I’ve heard a decent amount about him.
There couldn’t be a person who better sums up everything about that town.
He posts on Facebook almost daily about demons being cast out.
His church is now affiliated with Greg Locke’s church.
In case you don’t know Greg Locke, he’s this dork.
I can’t help but go to this hometown pastor’s page to see what craziness he's posting about.
I’d had a friend request pending from him for months, but I had no desire to accept it, until I saw a post he made this week that I couldn’t comment on unless I accepted that request.
The post said:
To which, I replied:
This has to be the silliest quote I've seen that tries to dismiss atheism.
Atheists don't believe that the Bible is the truth, so obviously we don't think any devils or demons are real, either...
He might as well have said "Even Frodo believes in Sauron.”
His response?
“You’re a narcissist if you think you’re smarter than Charles Spurgeon.”
What? Really?? People love to throw that word around now.
I said “Have you ever disagreed with someone smarter than you? If so, does that make you a narcissist?”
Aaaaaand he blocked me. Of course.
Other Dumb Stuff I saw on Social Media
Congrats. I read the final chapter of Lord of the Rings. Frodo saves Middle-earth.
I feel like this is what would come out if you typed "generic Christian company" into an Al business generator.
You know what else is heavy? My will to keep on living after reading that corny shit.
Comments and Bios
Thanks, Linda. I’ll be ready. Looking toward the sky right now!
Not much more annoying that people who recite the same garbage lines over and over and over, thinking they know what’s best for others. Acting like they’re above you.
I will not be steamrolled…especially on my own page.
I prefer the Impossible Jesus. Tastes almost like the real thing and no Jesus is harmed.
So Jesus Follower started following Jesus Unfollower…
Say that three times fast.
The whole reason I use the handle Jesus Unfollower is because soooo many Christians have “Jesus follower” in their bios.
This one doesn’t, but it’s pretty lame.
I usually try not to include people’s handles when I’m having a laugh, but this one was too good not to include.
That’s an all-timer.
Christian Cringe
On the newest episode of the podcast, I reviewed Assassin 33 A.D.: a movie about time travelers trying to go back and kill Jesus Christ.
Check it out HERE.
I also reviewed a Christian dating show called It Takes a Church on my Patreon page.
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Let logic & reason guide the way!